Service name

Service description.


Deadline to apply is xyz.


  • x
  • y
  • z

Who can apply

  • x
  • y
  • z

Steps to apply

  • x
  • y
  • z


For questions or support, contact:

  • Phone: 555-555-5555
  • Email:

Frequently asked questions

There is NO application to the ARB. Only Building Permit applications deemed sufficient by the Building Inspector for ARB review will be referred. Complete applications, plot plans, building plans with structurals, and the permit fee must be submitted in order to be reviewed by the Building Inspector. Several items within the Building Permit Checklist that are NOT required for ARB referral include the Energy Compliance package, drainage design, SCDHS approval, and contractor information & insurances. Of course, these items will be required prior to building permit issuance as applicable.

Village Taxpayers, Year Round Village Renters, WHB Fire Department Personnel, WHB Ambulance Personnel and WHB Village Employees

Friday, May 10th from 4:00 pm 7:00 pm & Saturday, May 11th from 10:00 am – 1:00 pm @ Village Hall. Starting May 25thJune 22nd from 10:00 am 5:00 pm @ Rogers Beach.

         AFTER JUNE 28TH – 7 days a week from 10:00 AM– 5:00 PM at Rogers Beach. 


Non- Village Taxpayers who live in Westhampton, WHB, Speonk, Remsenburg or Quiogue

Friday, May 17th from 4:00 pm 7:00 pm & Saturday, May 18th from 10:00 am – 1:00 pm @ Village Hall. Starting May 25thJune 22nd from 10:00 am 5:00 pm @ Rogers Beach.

         AFTER JUNE 28TH – 7 days a week from 10:00 AM– 5:00 PM  at Rogers Beach.


Please visit our Village Beaches page for more information on beach rates, rules and regulations.




The Landlord must complete a Summer Rental application in the Village of Westhampton Building Department and be willing to give up their beach sticker to the renter.




WESTHAMPTON BEACH RENTAL PERMIT (approved & on file in Village Office)


Lifeguards are on duty WEEKENDS ONLY until the beach opens 7 days/week from 10am-5pm.

The beach opens the weekend before Memorial Day.

Village Taxpayers, Year-Round Village Renters, WHB Fire Department Personnel, WHB Ambulance Personnel and WHB Village Employees please view BEACH ACCESS page under the Village Beaches tab.

Yes, (1) walk on pass per student, no car stickers will be given to students. 

FEE – $10                        Required – WESTHAMPTON BEACH SCHOOL ID



FEES – $10 PER DAY/PER PERSON (10yrs old & over)

* Hotel pass required for beach access


These fines are

  • $50 to $75 for a first offense
  • $75 to 150 for a second offense

The locality can add to the amount of these fines. The law also allows police officers to tow and store illegally-parked vehicles.

Who is eligible for vehicle plates for disabled persons or a parking permit for disabled persons?

The NY State Vehicle and Traffic Law defines the permanent disabilities that qualify. If you have a permanent disability that qualifies, you can get vehicle plates for reserved parking from the DMV or a parking permit from your local government. It is illegal to park in a parking space reserved for persons with disabilities if you do not have the correct vehicle plates or parking permit. You can use the vehicle plates or parking permit in New York State and in most other states.

How do I get a parking permit for persons with disabilities?

You and your healthcare provider can complete the Application for a Parking Permit or License Plates, for Persons with Severe Disabilities (PDF) (MV-664.1). You also can have your healthcare provider (MD, DO, DPM, or NP) complete a statement on their letterhead. The statement must describe the disabling condition and verify that the disability qualifies according to the law. Bring the form or statement to the issuing agency in your locality (normally the office of your city clerk, town clerk or village clerk). There is no fee for a permit. Remember that the DMV does not issue the parking permits.

How do I get vehicle plates for persons with disabilities?

To get plates
•bring the proof of your disability (either Application for a Parking Permit or License Plates, for Persons with Severe Disabilities (PDF) (MV-664.1) or the statement from your healthcare provider) and current vehicle plates to any DMV office
•bring your proof of identity
•complete the application form, pay $28.75, and surrender your current vehicle plates◦remove frames and fasteners before you surrender a vehicle plate or vehicle plates (the DMV office will not accept a vehicle plate with a frame or any fasteners attached)

Vehicle plates for persons with disabilities are issued only for vehicles registered in the name of the person with the disability. Each person with a disability can have one set of vehicle plates.

New York State Department of Health Vital Records has birth records (since 1881) for all of New York State except New York City. It does not have these records for New York City (the boroughs of Manhattan, Kings (Brooklyn), Queens, Bronx, and Richmond (Staten Island)). Birth records are also available from the local Registrar of Vital Statistics where the event occurred.

Who is eligible to get a copy of a birth certificate?

  • The person named on the birth certificate.
  • A parent of the person named on the birth certificate. The requesting parent’s name must be on the birth certificate.
  • A spouse, child or others, but only by order of a New York State court.

What identification needs to be submitted by the applicant?

Application must be submitted with copies of either A or B:

  1. One of the following forms of valid photo-ID:
    • Driver’s license
    • State-issued, nondriver photo-ID card
    • Passport
    • U.S. Military-issued, photo-ID


  1. Two of the following showing the applicant’s name and address:
    • Utility or telephone bill
    • Letter from a government agency dated within the last six months

Please submit a copy of your U.S. passport in addition to the above ID if you are applying from a foreign country that requires a passport for travel.

You can view the Village of Westhampton Beach Municipal Code on our online database.

For more information, please contact the Beach Manager at (631) 288-6306.

Yes, you must obtain a permit when you change any structural, electrical, plumbing, gas in your dwelling or commercial property.

Yes, you must obtain a permit to erect a fence, gate, or pillars.  You will download the Building Permit application.

Yes, and you will need to obtain an Electrical Permit from the Town of Southampton as well.

Please contact Southampton Town Trustees Dept at (631)287-5717. Select Trustee Permits.

 No, you may not pay for the Building Permit fee online, you can remit payment via check, cash, or credit card in our offices.

The ARB meets on the 1st and 3rd Tuesday of every month at 7:00 p.m.

Bonfires are not permitted on our public beaches, but if you wish to have one on your private property you must obtain a permit for that.

The ZBA meets on the 3rd Thursday of every month at 5:00 p.m.

Yes, you must obtain a permit from the Fire Marshal for fireworks displays.

The Planning Board of the Village of Westhampton Beach meets every 2nd and 4th Thursday of the month at 5:00 p.m.

The operation of any construction device or the performance or engagement in construction work, building, demolition, excavating, pile driving, hoisting, demolishing, dredging, hammering, or sawing within the limits of the Village of Westhampton Beach, other than between the hours of 7:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m. on Monday through Friday and between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. on Saturday and Sunday, except during the months of July and August, when none of the activities set forth in this subsection shall be permitted on Sunday.

Yes, any transfer of title requires an Updated Certificate of Occupancy.  You may find that form under the Forms.

Please look at the Zoning Map and look for your street and that will tell you whether you live in the Village of Westhampton Beach or the Town of Southampton.  The Village of Westhampton Beach jurisdiction on Dune Road ends at number 531 Dune Road.

No, you do not need a permit to have a yard sale in the Village of Westhampton Beach, but you can not put any signs around the Village for the yard sale.

You need a permit to rent your house from May through September.

Yes, we have a Notary available at our offices.

The Building Department is located at 165 Mill Road, Westhampton Beach in the Village Hall.  We are on the main floor of the building.

You can complete and submit at least 30 days prior to the date requested a “Use of Village Property” Application found on the Parks Forms page and return to Village Hall, with Insurance requirement attached.

For questions concerning your property taxes, please call the Village Tax Receiver at (631) 702-1555.

For questions concerning your property taxes, please call the Village Tax Receiver at (631) 702-1555. You may pay your property taxes by check made payable to the Village of Westhampton Beach, include your tax bill stub and mail to the Village Hall, or if you choose to pay online there will be a Convenience fee as below:

Bank Account ACH $2.00 per transaction

Credit Card 2.50% per transaction, pay online click link below: 

Complete the DOH-296A form, return to Clerk with a check for the total # of certificates requested. ($10.00 per certificate)

Permit fees are based on the estimated cost of construction. Please contact the Building Permits Coordinator to calculate the fee of your building permit.
Review and processing of complete applications takes approximately 2 to 4 weeks. Many residential applicants can obtain a permit within 2 weeks, barring any missing documentation, approvals or fees. Commercial applications often require approvals from other agencies, such as Site Plan, Fire Marshal, Suffolk County Health Department, etc, so the time frame may be extended, but applicants will typically get review comments within that 2 to 4 week window.
Yes. There is an exception for single-family dwelling properties where one shed under 200 sf is allowed without permit as long as it is located in the rear yard and at least 10’ from property lines. It is always best to contact the Building Department and speak to a member of our staff regarding the proposed shed and your particular property.
Yes. New York State mandates that all swimming pools/hot tubs require permits, even storable/non-permanent pools. The sole exception being “where such pools are designed for a water depth of less than 24 inches and are installed entirely above ground.” Fences and alarms will be required according to Code to ensure safety for our residents and their guests.
Yes, but this request must be made through the FOIL(Freedom Of Information Law) process.  Click here to download the FOIL Request Form.

This is an example of a FAQ on a department page.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Aenean commodo ligula eget dolor. Aenean massa. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Donec quam felis, ultricies nec, pellentesque eu, pretium quis, sem. Nulla consequat massa quis enim. Donec pede justo, fringilla vel, aliquet nec, vulputate eget, arcu.

In enim justo, rhoncus ut, imperdiet a, venenatis vitae, justo. Nullam dictum felis eu pede mollis pretium. Integer tincidunt. Cras dapibus. Vivamus elementum semper nisi.

Make your city proud by writing a real answer. Claim your BETA.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Aenean commodo ligula eget dolor. Aenean massa. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Donec quam felis, ultricies nec, pellentesque eu, pretium quis, sem. Nulla consequat massa quis enim. Donec pede justo, fringilla vel, aliquet nec, vulputate eget, arcu.

In enim justo, rhoncus ut, imperdiet a, venenatis vitae, justo. Nullam dictum felis eu pede mollis pretium. Integer tincidunt. Cras dapibus. Vivamus elementum semper nisi.

Make your city proud by writing a real answer. Claim your BETA.

Please call the Non-Emergency phone number (631) 288-3444 for information.

General Police Business: Please call (631) 288-6620 – Press (1) when prompted.

You must complete a Request for Information application which you can find under the documents section of the Police Department page.

You can call the Non-Emergency phone number for the Police Department (631) 288-3444 and request an officer to respond to your location.

You need to contact any Town Clerk for a marriage license.

Southampton Town Clerk-Sundy Schermeyer  (631) 283-6000

Riverhead Town Clerk-Diane Wilhelm   (631) 727-3200

  • No Checks Accepted 
  • Certified Check, Money Order: Payable to JUSTICE COURT
  • Online Credit Card Payment: 
  • Cash In Person

You can call the Court Clerk at (631) 288-3980 for more information.


  • Complete the lower section of the ticket “Waiver & Authorization To Plead By Mail” and Return entire ticket. A court date will be assigned, and a letter will be mailed.

You can call the Court Clerk at (631) 288-3980 for more information.

The Village of Westhampton Beach hires employees through the Department of Human Resources, Personnel and Civil Service



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